
NTB - The Central Lombok District Manpower and Transmigration Office has confirmed that dozens of prospective illegal Indonesian migrant workers (CPMI) who are victims of a sinking ship in the Batam archipelago will be repatriated to Lombok this week.

"A total of 17 illegal CPMI victims who were victims of the sinking ship will be repatriated on Friday (15 July)," said the Head of the Manpower Placement Division of the Central Lombok Manpower and Transmigration Office, Syamsul Rijal at his office in Praya, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province, Wednesday, July 13.

In this incident, the number of CPMI from Central Lombok who became victims of the sinking ship that survived was 22 people. However, from the tens of CPMI, as many as four people fled and one person was picked up by his family.

"The CPMI who escaped from the shelter in Batam have returned to their respective homes," he said.

Meanwhile, the remaining 17 CPMI survivors will be repatriated this week and they are still coordinating with the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) for the return process of the illegal CPMIs.

"We are waiting for information from BP2MI, which is clear that the government will facilitate their return to their hometowns," he said.

Previously, a ship carrying 30 illegal PMIs and 23 of them came from NTB with the destination of Malaysia had an accident in the sea waters of Putri Island, Batam, Riau Islands, Thursday, June 16, at around 19.30 WIB.

The head of the NTB Manpower and Transmigration Office, I Gede Putu Aryadi, said that his party continues to make various efforts to coordinate with various parties to protect and handle the safety of NTB residents in the disaster.

Meanwhile, PMI data from the NTB Province that were rescued included six people from East Lombok, five people from Central Lombok, and two people from West Lombok.

Of the 23 migrant workers who survived, one of them was a woman. Meanwhile, one TKI named Amat had to be rushed to Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Batam City for intensive care, because he had drowned and drank mostly sea water, and seven people were declared missing.

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