
JAYAPURA - The Mimika Police Criminal Investigation Unit team, Papua, arrested a specialist who stole goods in the motorcycle seat and in the car with the initials AA alias LA. The perpetrator was arrested by the Mimika Police Criminal Investigation Unit's Opsnal team while in action at Timika's Old Market.

Mimika Police Chief AKBP I Gede Putra accompanied by Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner Praja Gandha Wiratama and Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Haridyka Eka Anwar, released the disclosure of the case, Monday, July 11.

The police chief said that the perpetrator AA, alias LA, had been named a suspect. While in action, the perpetrators of AA were accompanied by several colleagues who have now been designated as DPOs and are in search.

"We have only arrested one perpetrator, two others have become DPOs and are now being searched by members," said AKBP I Gede Putra, quoted from a written statement, Monday, July 11.

The police chief explained that the perpetrator and several of his colleagues had their respective wars in carrying out their actions. There are those who monitor the situation, as a diversion and there are executors.

"So they have their respective roles, some are monitoring the situation, some are inviting the victim to communicate so that the victim is caught off guard, and some are acting as executors taking valuables belonging to the victim from inside the motorbike seat or in the car," said Mimika Police Chief.

Before carrying out the action, the perpetrators had stalked the victim, for example from an ATM or bank after taking the money.

From the results of the examination, it is known that the perpetrator has acted seven times.

The losses suffered by the victims varied from tens of millions to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Likewise other valuables such as cellphones to the victim's wallet.

In fact, the contents of the victim's account were also drained by the perpetrator through the stolen ATM card, namely the perpetrator tried to use the victim's birth date PIN and succeeded.

“The victim is more likely not to know when the perpetrator carries out the execution. The victim only realized that this criminal act occurred after arriving at his house," said AKBP I Gede Putra.

When the case was released to the police, the perpetrator AA practiced how to execute the victim's valuables from the motorcycle seat. Not until a matter of minutes, the suspect managed to seize the victim's valuables and money from the motorcycle seat without having to open the seat even without any damage.

The suspect lifted the plastic-based motorcycle seat with force, then put his hand to take the contents of the seat.

For his actions, suspect AA alias AL was charged with Article 363 paragraph (1) and Article 65 of the Criminal Code which carries a 7-year prison sentence.

"Hopefully in the near future our team will be able to secure these two people who are still on the DPO," said Mimika Police Chief.

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