
DENPASAR - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin conducted the groundbreaking (laying of the first stone) for the construction of the Aesthetic Center building at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali.

"I received a mandate from the President so that Bali can build a new industry outside of the tourism industry. Bali's tourism industry is already world-class, proving that its services are world-class", said the Minister of Health in Denpasar, Friday, July 8.

"Well, what is close to the tourism industry, the health industry. Because the health industry also needs services to its patients and coincidentally people like to come to Bali and Bali also has a Udayana medical faculty and we have also built several pillars", he added.

To support this, the Minister of Health said that an international class hospital would be built by a BUMN in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic in the special economic area of ​​the Sanur area, South Denpasar.

“Then in Sanglah, a special hospital will be built for Aesthetic well-being. So people who come can look fresher, healthier, and more beautiful and handsome to Bali", he said.

In addition, a biotechnology research center will be built at Udayana University (Unud) Bali, including development at Kura Kura Bali.

"So that gradually the health industry in Bali will be able to enrich its tourists (not) only for art or natural beauty, now they can become tourists for health", said the Minister of Health.

The target market for the Aesthetic Center called the Minister of Health is not only Indonesians but also from abroad.

"For the target market, people from outside and (also in Indonesia). Bali is not only healing sick people who want to die. So people who want to live healthy, want to look old but fit, advanced but handsome, beautiful, that's in Bali", he said.

Director of Medical, Nursing, and Supporting Services at Sanglah Ketut Ariawati Hospital/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

The construction of the Aesthetic Center building at Sanglah Hospital is targeted for completion on December 28, 2022. The development budget, including the provision of health facilities, reaches IDR 230 billion.

"Overall the development, including all the equipment, is almost IDR 230 billion. (That's from) the APBN and a small part of us", said the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Ketut Ariwati.

Ketut Ariawati who is also the Director of Medical, Nursing, and Support Services at Sanglah Hospital, explained that the Aesthetic Center building will be built on 5 floors.

Some of the doctors will be taken from Sanglah Hospital. Currently, his party is exploring communication for opportunities to 'hire' doctors from South Korea.

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