
NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government through the Social Service (Dinsos) has begun to stop all activities and fundraising by the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Foundation in the area.

The Head of the Social Service (Dinsos) NTB, Ahsanul Khalik, said that ACT stopped activities and fundraising following the Minister of Social Affairs Decree No. 133/HUK/2022 dated July 5, 2022 regarding the revocation of the permit to collect donations to the ACT Foundation.

"The Head of Social Empowerment Division of the Social Service of NTB and PPNS of the Social Service of NTB have visited ACT's office. ACT's friends respect and comply with the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the head office has also been directed to stop activities. Starting today, ACT in NTB has stopped accepting donations either directly delivered to the ACT office or online and all ACT accounts have been blocked," he said when contacted via WhatsApp message in Mataram, Wednesday, July 6.

He said the Ministry of Social's decision applies to all of Indonesia, including in NTB.

"Because the Ministry of Social's steps certainly apply to ACT in all parts of Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, his party will immediately issue a circular asking the public to stop distributing donations through ACT according to the decision of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"People are also asked not to be influenced and donate to social institutions that are credible and also responsible, because people still need such social institutions," said the man who is familiarly called AKA.

However, AKA hopes that the people of NTB will remain calm. Because the government is the one who decides what to do with ACT.

"The most important thing is that the community remains calm, let the state and government tools determine what will be done with ACT," he said.

In addition to stopping all activities and fundraising, his party has also asked ACT NTB to withdraw all donation boxes that were released at various shopping points, public places and other crowds in NTB.

"ACT said they are ready to withdraw but it will take time. And of course we will monitor the search for this donation box to completion," said the former Head of the NTB Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Previously, the Ministry of Social Affairs revoked the permit for the Implementation of the Collection of Money and Goods (PUB) that had been given to the ACT Foundation in 2022, due to an alleged violation of regulations by the foundation.

The revocation was stated in the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 133/HUK/2022 dated July 5, 2022 regarding the revocation of the permit to collect donations to the Aksi Cepat Tanggap Foundation in South Jakarta which was signed by the Ad Interim Minister of Social Affairs Muhadjir Effendi.

"So the reason we revoked it is because there are indications of violations of the Minister of Social Regulation until later waiting for the results of the inspection from the Inspectorate General, then there will be further sanctions provisions," said Ad Interim Minister of Social Affairs Muhadjir Effendi at the Ministry of Social Affairs office, Tuesday (5/7).

Based on the provisions of Article 6 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 29 of 1980 concerning the Implementation of Collection of Donations, it reads "Financing of efforts to collect donations is a maximum of 10 percent of the results of the collection of donations concerned".

Muhadjir said that the government is responsive to things that have been troubling the community and will further investigate the permits that have been granted to other foundations and to provide a deterrent effect so that it doesn't happen again.

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