
JAKARTA - Director of Community Guidance and Child Alleviation of the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjenpas) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Pujo Harinto said five of the 10 principles of correctionalism are in line with restorative justice.

"Basically, restorative justice has existed in prisons for a long time," said Pujo Harinto in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 6.

The five principles of the correctional facility are to live and provide life provisions so that they (convicts) can carry out their roles as good and useful citizens of society (recovery).

Second, the imposition of a crime is no longer based on the background of retaliation. Third, provide guidance instead of torture so that prisoners repent. Fourth, the state has no right to make prisoners worse or worse off than before they were sentenced.

Fifth, as long as convicts lose (restricted) their freedom of movement, convicts and students should not be alienated from society.

Ditjenpas, he said, adopted a policy related to restorative justice from the minimum standard of rules in 1964, on 27 April to be exact at the Lembang Conference.

In fact, referring to Article 1 of Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning the Correctional System, it is stated that the correctional system is an order regarding the direction, boundaries, and methods of fostering correctional inmates based on Pancasila.

It is, he said. implemented in an integrated manner between the coaches, those being fostered, and the community to improve the quality of the inmates of the correctional facility.

"The point is that they can live naturally in the community," said Pujo.

Therefore, he continued, restorative justice is in line with the social reintegration process implemented by the prison.

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