
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Arsul Sani said that the revision of the Narcotics Law must be firm on the implementation of rehabilitation for narcotics users so that it can be a solution to the problem of the number of prisoners exceeding the capacity of correctional institutions (prisons). or emphasize legal politics related to rehabilitation for users," said Arsul Sani in a research dissemination event entitled Disparities and Policies for Handling Narcotics Crime Cases in Indonesia which was broadcast on the YouTube channel IJRS TV, monitored from Jakarta, Tuesday 28 June. Arsul Sani said that The material on the Draft Law (RUU) on Narcotics submitted by the government does not sufficiently reveal the legal politics of 'relaxation of criminalization' related to narcotics abuse. In addition, he is of the view that the material proposed by the government still opens space for the recurrence of the current Narcotics Law problem, namely the number of prisoners. yes ng exceeds the prison's capacity. “If you look at the material for the bill proposed by the government, actually it is not enough to show the legal politics of relaxing criminalization. I will not use the term decriminalization, but relaxation of criminalization regarding narcotics abuse," said Arsul Sani.

Arsul Sani said that the makers of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics had clearly prioritized users to undergo rehabilitation, as seen from Article 127 of the Narcotics Law. 113, and 114, then what is being developed is the enforcement process,” he said. This action, he said, then triggered bad prejudice in the community. The public sees users undergoing detention because they do not have the money to be rehabilitated. "I hope that my friends from civil society will provide input for the discussion of the bill for amendments to Law Number 35," said Arsul Sani.

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