
BENGKULU - A total of 113,218 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in Bengkulu have entered their expiration period. The number of expired vaccines was collected from January to June 2022.

The head of the Bengkulu Provincial Office, Herwan Antoni, said the expired vaccines were AstraZaneca, Moderna and Cinovac.

"From January to April 8, hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses in Bengkulu Province have entered their expiration period", said Herwan in Bengkulu, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 20.

The most expired vaccines were AstraZeneca, which reached 104,310 in February, with details of South Bengkulu Regency around 2,750 doses, Rejang Lebong Regency at 21,230 doses.

North Bengkulu Regency 4,460 doses, Kaur Regency 8,390 doses, Seluma Regency 16,980 doses, Mukomuko Regency 16,120 doses, Lebong Regency 1,660 doses, Kepahiang Regency 8,440 doses.

Bengkulu Tengah Regency has 4,580 doses, Bengkulu City has 3,160 doses and stock in the Bengkulu Province vaccine warehouse has reached 17,520 doses.

Then for the type of AstraZeneca vaccine which expired on March 31, only 950 doses came from Mukomuko Regency.

For the Sinovac type which expired on April 7, it reached 104 doses, namely from North Bengkulu Regency 30 doses and Kaur Regency 74 doses.

Herwan continued, that for the Moderna vaccine which expired on April 3, there were 7,854 doses from North Bengkulu Regency and 1,960 doses.

Kaur Regency 686 doses, Seluma Regency 1,354 doses, Mukomuko Regency 64 doses, Lebong Regency 1,036 doses, Kepahiang Regency 266 doses, Central Bengkulu Regency 1,946 doses, Bengkulu City 518 doses.

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