
JAKARTA - Dozens of two- and four-wheeled vehicles were brought under control by officers because they were still desperate to park on sidewalks and road shoulders in the Senen area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15.

Control is carried out at three different locations that are prone to illegal parking.

The Field Coordinator of the Central Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept. (Sudinhub) Dandung said his party managed to net 36 motorcycles, 9 bajajs, and a number of four-wheeled vehicles.

The existence of the vehicle violates the violation because parking is on the road.

"This is in Salemba Raya, Carolus and behind the RSCM, we are netting stubborn vehicles," he told reporters, Wednesday, June 15.

Dandung said that the two-wheeled vehicles that were transported were immediately taken to the Central Jakarta Transportation Sub-Department office. Later, the police officers will take action in the form of a ticket.

"There are also motorbikes that are ticketed at the location, if the car is immediately taken to the IRTI Monas and Bajaj is immediately ticketed on the spot," he said.

This illegal parking raid will continue to be carried out to prevent motorists from parking their vehicles in any place, especially on sidewalks and roads.

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