
BALIKPAPAN - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through the Meteorological Station in Balikpapan City, detected 11 hot spots spread over three districts in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim).

"A total of 11 hotspots were monitored today starting at 01.00 until 17.00 central Indonesia time," said Meteorological Station Class I forecaster Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) Sepinggan BMKG Ilham Rosihan Fachturoni in Balikpapan as reported by Antara, Saturday, June 11.

The distribution of hotspots was immediately informed to relevant parties in each district, especially to the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) both East Kalimantan and districts, in order to obtain further handling.

There are also 11 hot spots spread over the three regencies, 7 are in East Kutai Regency, 2 are in Kutai Kartanegara and 2 are in Berau Regency.

The details are that the hotspots detected in Kutai Kartanegara are spread over two sub-districts, namely one in Kembang Muara Badak District and the other in Loa Kulu District, both of which have a medium level of confidence.

Then, he continued, hotspots detected in Berau were monitored in two sub-districts, namely Kelay District and Gunung Tabur District, both of which had a medium level of confidence.

Meanwhile, the seven hotspots detected in East Kutai Regency are spread over six sub-districts, namely one in Bengalon District, one in Busang District, and one in Kaubun District.

"Then there is one hotspot in North Sangatta District, one in Muara Wahau District, and two in Telen District. All these hotspots in East Kutai Regency also have a medium level of confidence," said Ilham.

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