
JAKARTA - Russia's long war against Ukraine has really exhausted the country. Not to mention the issue of a minimal supply of weapons, Ukraine is now facing a no less complicated problem: a cholera epidemic.

Mariupol was in ruins after being attacked from all sides by Russian troops. The corpses of soldiers -- from both sides -- to civilians strewn and created new problems.

A broken sanitation system and many rotting corpses on the streets made dysentery and cholera epidemics spread rapidly. Clean water is contaminated.

"There is an outbreak of dysentery and cholera," Vadym Boichenko, the mayor of Mariupol, told national television.

"A war that took more than 20,000 inhabitants ... sadly, with this outbreak of infection, will claim thousands more," complained Boichenko, quoted by Channel News Asia, Saturday 11 June.

Boichenko called on the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to build humanitarian corridors to allow the remaining residents to leave the city, which is now under Russian control.

Ukraine has pleaded with Western countries to send weapons more quickly. Because the Kremlin, with better weapons, is pounding the eastern part of the country.

In Sievierodonetsk, the small town that has been the focus of Russia's advance in eastern Ukraine and one of the bloodiest flashpoints in the war entering its fourth month, further heavy fighting was reported.

The war in the east, on which Russia has focused, is now primarily an artillery battle in which Kyiv is heavily armed, Ukrainian officials say.

That means the tide of events can only be turned around if Washington and others fulfill promises to send more and better weaponry, including rocket systems.

"It's an artillery war now," Vadym Skibitsky, Ukraine's deputy head of military intelligence, told Britain's Guardian newspaper.

"Everything now depends on what (the West) gives us. Ukraine has from one artillery to 10 to 15 Russian artillery pieces."

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