
JAKARTA - The government continues to boost the use of Domestic Products (PDN) through a number of ministries and institutions, to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). This is in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which prohibits import spending on products that can be produced in the country.

"I together with the Ministry of Health, Mr. Secretary General, of course with the leadership and the Deputy at the Coordinating Minister (Marves), and the partners of the Directorate General of Marga, we will jointly detail what we should do to realize these directives," explained the Secretary-General (Secretary-General) of the Ministry of PUPR, Mohammad Zainal Fatah at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Tuesday, May 31.

He explained, that the Ministry of PUPR noted that it had realized expenditure posts for local products exceeding IDR 80.48 trillion. The budget was emphasized as a form of full commitment to the Proudly Made in Indonesia (BBI) National Movement (Gernas) program.

The budget allocation that was disbursed was taken from the total budget ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR in 2022 of around IDR 100.5 trillion.

"Monitoring as of May 25, 2022, that number has been exceeded," he said again.

According to Zainal, as one of the ministries that has a large budget for infrastructure development, the realization of the budget allocation for local products in 2022 will continue to be increased. So, he stressed, can have a positive impact on the resilience of the Indonesian economy.

Moreover, it is able to increase economic movement to the welfare of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). To optimize the absorption of the budget allocation for MSME actors, the Ministry of PUPR will also carry out strict supervision.

From the construction sector, especially in the light steel industry, the flood of imported steel products was one of the obstacles in the growth and development of the steel industry in the country. With this policy on the use of domestic products, it is hoped that the light steel industry in the country can bounce back.

Vice President of PT Tatalogam Lestari (Tatalogam Group) Stephanus Koeswandi emphasized that this opportunity must be utilized as much as possible by business actors in the country.

“This is a time of transition from a pandemic to an endemic. All countries have started to reorganize their lives. The world's steel producers have also started to rise. For this reason, the efforts of the Indonesian government in protecting this domestic industry should be appreciated,” explained Stephanus at the same location.

However, as one of the largest light steel producers in Indonesia that produces metal roof tiles, Floor Decks to Domus instant houses, Tatalogam Group is well aware that this opportunity must also be balanced with great responsibility. One of them is related to product quality which must be continuously improved.

He said, 'Proud to be Made in Indonesia' should not only be for users, but also should be interpreted by producers as a challenge in creating more innovative, quality, and highly competitive products.

“And for us, that pride must be continuously improved so that products made in Indonesia are more innovative, of high quality, and highly competitive. For example, for the local market, we refer to SNI. The mandatory SNI for mild steel, namely SNI 8399:2017 is very important considering its relation to construction safety. As we know that mild steel has been widely used. Unfortunately, there are still cases of construction failure. For example, collapsing buildings. Mandatory SNI for mild steel can minimize the occurrence of material losses and even loss of life. Then to compete in foreign countries, we must also raise standards according to the destination country. That way, products made in Indonesia can also be known abroad," explained Stephanus again.

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