
JAYAPURA - Head of the Jayapura Regency Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Office, Steven Wonmaly, appealed to prospective hajj pilgrims in his region to prepare to perform worship in Makkah.

"The time for departure to the Holy Land is less than a month away, so we hope that the prospective hajj pilgrims can maintain their health," he said as quoted in a government press release received in Jayapura, Papua, Tuesday, May 31.

Although the government has relaxed the rules for limiting community activities to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, he said, members of the hajj pilgrims should continue to apply health protocols to avoid the risk of disease transmission.

"When you arrive in the Holy Land, you must also be disciplined with the health protocols implemented by the Government of Saudi Arabia," he said.

He stated that residents who want to perform the pilgrimage should prepare themselves to face environmental and weather conditions in Saudi Arabia which are different from environmental and weather conditions in Indonesia.

"The weather there is quite hot so we remind the pilgrims to be prepared for these conditions," he appealed.

In addition, he conveyed the importance of members of the hajj pilgrims paying attention to the fulfillment of nutritional needs before departure and while in the Holy Land.

As many as 25 people from Jayapura Regency will depart for Saudi Arabia on June 28, 2022, to perform the Hajj. They will be dispatched via the Makassar Embarkation in South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi).

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