
TANGERANG – Police officers are still collecting data on the victims of the tourism bus accident carrying pilgrims from Balaraja, Tangerang. Previously, it was reported that 4 people died and 24 people suffered minor injuries. The victims were mostly bus passengers departing from Tangerang.

The latest information received this morning, Sunday, May 22, is that the body of one of the victims of the bus accident named Hj Sri Mulyani has arrived at the funeral home in Ceplak Village RT.01/01 Sukamulya Village, Sukamulya District, Tangerang Regency, at around 05.30 western Indonesia time.

Residents around Ceplak Village help officers carry Sri Mulyani's body into the house/Photo; Doc. Banten Police

The tourist bus carrying a pilgrim from Balaraja, Tangerang had a fatal accident at Tanjakan Balas, Panumbangan, Ciamis Regency. In that incident, 4 people died and dozens were injured.

"Four died, 24 people were injured," said Banten Police Public Relations Head, Grand Commissioner Shinto Silitongan when confirmed, Saturday, May 21.

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