
TANGERANG - The Banten Regional Police have named two inmates as suspects in the case of smuggling methamphetamine drugs through cellphone chargers (HP) to the Cilegon Correctional Institution (Lapas).

Banten Police Public Relations Head Kombes Shinto Silitonga said the two inmates named as suspects had the initials DL (39) and KT (39).

He explained that on March 17, 2022, at around 10:00 WIB, his party received the handover of three people, namely DL (39), IW (35), and SD (50) from the Cilegon Headquarters who were suspected of committing a crime of drug abuse.

"After the three people were handed over, the Banten Police Narcotics Directorate Investigator conducted an intensive examination, including other parties related to the discovery of methamphetamine in a cellphone charger", he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 20.

Then, Shinto continued, to test the legal facts that investigators had collected, on Thursday, May 19 his party held a case title and the results can identify two suspects, namely DL and KT.

"KT was arrested by the National Police's Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigations in 2019 with 900 grams of crystal methamphetamine in Serang, Banten, and received a verdict on February 13, 2020, with a 12-year sentence. Meanwhile, DL was arrested by the Cilegon Police in 2021 with 0.3 grams of crystal methamphetamine as evidence, and the verdict on March 2022 with a sentence of 18 months in prison", he said.

The smuggling of drugs into the Cilegon Prison began with IW, who is an honorary employee at the Cilegon District Attorney's Office, who was found carrying evidence of methamphetamine which was inserted into a white cellphone charger which was then deposited in an elementary school.

"IW did not know that the cellphone charger contained drugs. SD was then summoned to the Cilegon Prison, and then interrogated, SD confirmed that he had entrusted the cellphone charger to IW because DL was asked by DL, a convict of a drug case in Cilegon Prison", he said.

He said that the crystal methamphetamine in the cellphone charger was ordered by DL to KT on Sunday, May 15 night as much as 5 grams for IDR 4.5 million, while KT ordered AP (DPO) and DP to ask SD for help to receive the goods", he added.

He revealed that seeing from the mode of the attempt to smuggle methamphetamine in a cellphone charger, it was a new mode that was revealed thanks to the thoroughness of the Cilegon Prison Main Door Guard (P2U).

"Investigators have confiscated 1 unit of a white cellphone charger and 1 drug package containing 3.16 grams of methamphetamine", he said.

Against the suspects DL and KT, the police applied Article 114 subsidiary Article 112 of Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Possessing, Storing, Selling, Buying and Receiving Drugs Category 1 with a minimum penalty of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years.

"There is a weighting because the status of DL and KT are recidivist in the same case", said Shinto.

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