
JAKARTA - West Papua Governor Commissioner General of Police (Ret.) Paulus Waterpauw obliges regional heads in 13 regencies and cities to promote and intensify state affirmative programs to achieve the welfare and prosperity of the people of West Papua.

"There should no longer be state administrators in West Papua who do not understand this policy. This is my firmness and I respectfully request that 13 regional heads implement good state policies for the prosperity of the people in each region to remote areas", Paul said at the PKK Auditorium Building, West Papua Province, Friday, May 20, quoted from Antara.

After the handover of the position from former Governor Dominggus Mandacan in Manokwari, Friday, Paulus said that as an extension of the central government in West Papua Province, he was obliged to voice the central policy for accelerating development in the area.

"Requested or not, but as an extension of the central government in the regions, we must voice good state policies for the welfare and prosperity of the people", he said.

He explained that local government administrators, ranging from governors, regents, mayors, and district heads to village or village officials, must be able and understand every affirmative policy on special autonomy and plans for the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in West Papua.

The ranks of the West Papua Provincial Government must have a complete understanding so that they can provide positive information and build state alignments that apply through the Special Autonomy for Papua and West Papua.

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