
JAKARTA - Economist Rizal Ramli said Indonesia would be at peace and rise from the economy if President Jokowi abdicated. The Main Expert of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ali Mochtar Ngabalin admitted that he was angry.

Ngabalin assesses that Rizal Ramli acts like a person who is hurt, and therefore continues to strongly criticize the Jokowi government.

"Poor old man, the wound is very deep", said Ngabalin via his Twitter account, @AliNgabalinNew, Friday, May 20.

Ngabalin hopes that Rizal's efforts to criticize will end. He also pinned the hashtag so that Rizal would not feel hurt anymore. #SemogaCepatSembuh", he said.

Rizal Ramli is known to have served as Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Indonesian Resources replacing Indroyono Soesilo. Rizal entered Jokowi's cabinet for the first period on August 12, 2015.

However, it is not even a year since Rizal has served as minister, his position must be handed over to another figure. On 27 July 2016, Rizal Ramli was officially replaced by Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan who was appointed as the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs.

Since then, Rizal has often been critical of Jokowi's government. However, several parties think that Rizal has consistently criticized Jokowi because he was hurt by being fired from his ministerial position.

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