
JAKARTA - The Jambi Regional Police have alerted 696 Polri personnel to secure the 2566 Vesak Day celebration.

The hundreds of personnel were alerted to anticipate disturbances in the Public Order and Security (Kamtibmas) during the celebration of Vesak Day, said the Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Grand Commissioner Pol Mulia Prianto, in Jambi, Monday, May 16.

The 696 police personnel were deployed to provide security in all Viharas in Jambi Province.

Grand Commissioner Pol Mulia Prianto said the security was carried out to provide a sense of security and comfort for Buddhists who celebrate Vesak Day this year.

"In Jambi City itself, security will be carried out at five temples spread across several areas, with a total of 183 personnel from the Jambi Regional Police and 198 people from the Jambi Police," he said as quoted by Antara.

For the implementation of Vesak Day worship, it will be held in their respective houses of worship or temples and centered at Muarojambi Temple on May 22, by implementing the COVID-19 health protocol.

"The number of Vihara congregations who carry out Vesak worship at Kedaton Temple is approximately 600 people from 20 Viharas in Jambi Province," he said.

For the implementation of Vesak worship at the Vihara and at Kedaton Temple later, Mulia said that his party predicts there will be traffic jams.

"To avoid this, security will be carried out around the location of the Vihara and Kedaton Temple," said Grand Commissioner Pol Mulia Prianto.


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