
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health conveys that hypertension or high blood pressure occupies the top five risk factors that cause the burden of disease in the world. (P2PTM) Elvieda Sariwati in the "World Hypertension Day Commemoration" event which was attended in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, May 12. She said the percentage of non-communicable diseases that caused the most death in Indonesia was 19.4 percent stroke, 14.4 percent cardiovascular (one of them is hypertension), cancer is 13.5 percent, and diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications are 6.2 percent.

Meanwhile, in terms of financing, he continued, cardiovascular disease is a non-communicable disease that has the largest health financing, which is Rp. 8.2 trillion. Followed by cancer of Rp. 3.1 trillion, stroke of Rp. 2.1 trillion, and kidney failure of Rp. 1.9 trillion. , early detection, special protection, and case management. He stated that for the health promotion strategy the goals are behavioral change and community empowerment so that people care and participate, then want to carry out regular health checks. Early detection and other strategies are for identification and intervention early risk factors for non-communicable diseases, as well as handling cases according to standards.

"Of course, this strategy cannot only be carried out by the Ministry of Health itself, it takes cross-sectoral efforts," he said.

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