AMBON - The Ambon Island Police and PP Lease deployed 500 personnel from the joint Mobile Brigade, Samapta (guard, escort, and the first action of the crime scene), and Rider 733/BS to secure the traditional ritual of sweeping the broom in Morela and Mamala, Leihitu District (Ambon Island) Central Maluku Regency.
"For the implementation of the sweeping broom or 'bakukul sweeping' activity, it has become a tradition as well as culture and religion, only this activity can be misinterpreted if it is in a large community so there must be secured from the police", said Ambon Island Police Chief, Commissioner Raja Arthur Simamora in Ambon, Antara, Monday, May 9.
The Head of Police's statement was conveyed when he led a gathering of 500 joint security forces at the Leihitu Police Headquarters yard. According to him, during the implementation of tasks in the field, you must prioritize humanist principles and understand three things, namely traffic regulation for both vehicles and community activities that come in and out of activity locations in Mamala and Morela.
This arrangement aims to anticipate unauthorized persons who may interfere with these customary activities. Members must be selective about people who have the potential to interfere with Kamtibmas so that they are immediately ordered to return.
The security of the location starts at 12.00 WIT because traditional activities have been carried out before the peak activity, namely the Lenso dance and the Crazy Bamboo attraction.
"We respect those who are already at the location, including at the peak event venue to anticipate that there will be no clashes, and if there are symptoms of Kamtibmas disturbances, they should be disbanded humanely and empower the youth leaders", the Police Chief appealed.
The Head of Police, who was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Police, AKBP Heri Budianto, also reminded his Bankom (Communication assistance organization) colleagues not to gather and unite with other members so that this activity could run well and safely.
"Securing contingencies must also be carried out because it is feared that if there is a change in the situation, we must be ready", he said.
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