
JAKARTA - The behavior of the Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Lili Pintauli Siregar, which violated ethics, was highlighted in the United States Department of State's version of the Human Rights Practices Report.

This was then responded by a number of parties, including the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) who asked Lili Pintauli Siregar to resign from her position.

In an English-language report, the country of Uncle Sam said that Lili Pintauli Siregar was declared a violation of ethics on August 30, 2021. This violation occurred because she had contact with litigants at the KPK, namely the former Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M Syahrial.

"The board ruled that Siregar had improper contact with the subject of the investigation for his own personal gain and imposed a one-year, 40 percent reduction in salary for Siregar for the misconduct," the report said.

This report was then responded to by the MAKI Coordinator, Boyamin Saiman. He urged Lili to immediately resign from her position because her ethical violation has been in the spotlight of many parties, including the international community.

"I ask, urge Mrs. Lili to resign from the KPK because this will continue to be in the spotlight of the modern state, other countries, and the public spotlight because Mrs. Lili becomes useless and is not useful for the KPK," said Boyamin in his statement on Saturday, April 16.

Boyamin also said that it was natural for Lili's ethical violations to be in the spotlight of many parties, especially America as a developed country. Because, it is not uncommon when a state official violates ethics but he chooses not to step down.

"Moreover (the violation, ed) repeatedly and not only violates ethics but with a thick face does not back down, with a thick face still persists in his position," said this anti-corruption activist.

Meanwhile, regarding this report, Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri said the KPK Supervisory Board had worked according to professional mechanisms and considerations when imposing sanctions on Lili.

"For the ethical violations that previously occurred, the sanctions have been implemented according to the decision of the KPK Supervisory Board," said Ali in a written statement.

"The KPK Dewas certainly carries out their duties according to their mechanism and professional considerations as an enforcer of the code of ethics for KPK personnel," he added.

Meanwhile, regarding other alleged ethical violations by Lili, Ali said, the public and other parties were asked to respect the examination process being carried out by the KPK Supervisory Board.

Another alleged ethical violation committed by Lili is that she is said to have received gratification in the form of accommodation and a Mandalika MotoGP ticket from a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN).

"We invite parties to continue to respect the ongoing examination process at the Dewas. Because evidence and decisions in enforcing ethics at the KPK are the realm of the duties and authority of the Council in accordance with the KPK Law," he concluded.

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