
JAKARTA - The official Twitter account of the Indonesian Presidential Advisory Council or Wantimpres with the address @wantimpresRI posted photos of its members visiting Ade Armando at Siloam Hospital, South Jakarta. But now the photo has been deleted.

Former Democrat Party politician Roy Suryo spoke about the Wantimpres whose main task is to advise President Jokowi by posting photos of activities outside of official service. Roy quipped why the photo was deleted?

"How come it was DELETED from @WantimpresRI huh? Are you embarrassed to be caught again BEZUK?" said Roy through his Twitter account, @KRMTRoySuryo2, quoted Friday 15 April.

It was a member of the Wantimpres Putri K Wardani who visited Ade Armando while being treated at the Siloam Hospital after being the victim of a group beating during a student demonstration in front of the Parliament Complex in Senayan Jakarta. Putri's activities were uploaded to the official Wantimpres Twitter account.

The Wantimpres account informed that its member Putri was visiting Ade Armando. To social media activists who were battered when they wanted to create YouTube content in the midst of the demonstration, Putri expressed her concern.

"Princess K Wardani visited Ade Armando at Siloam Semanggi Hospital on April 12. During this visit, Putri expressed her concern for the violence that Ade Armando had to endure and hoped that in the future the brotherhood of this nation would be further strengthened," wrote Twitter Wantimpres in a caption to his photo post.

Based on a VOI search, although the photo of Ade Armando's visit was deleted from the Wantimpres Twitter account, the documentation is still on Putri's personal Instagram account.

Putri wrote an English photo caption in her photo post while visiting the University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer. Here's what he wrote:

"Visiting DR.Ade Armando @adearmandoreal , senior lecturer at University of Indonesia @univ_indonesia Social Politic Faculty @fisip_ui . Violence is not in God's personalities. Our prayers that u will get well soon.

During this Muslim Fasting and Holy Month of Ramadhan everyone should wash away sins, hatreds and other negativities.

For Christians as well, Easter is just around the corner. Death and resurrection of Jesus is a reminder that "...the old has gone (sins, hatreds and other negativities), the new has come (kindness, truth, love, and all positivities)!"

Never forget that God is love."

Ade Armando is known to have been beaten by a group of people during a demonstration held by the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) in front of the Jakarta Parliament building on Monday, April 11.

In a battered condition, Ade was also stripped of his pants. Ade was then secured by students and the police entered the gates of the DPR building.

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