
JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) from Commission X Elnino M. Husein Mohi supports the launch of the Actio token which aims for the common interest of film industry players.

"In principle, we will support anyone who wants to develop the film industry and Indonesian creative arts," said Elnino to VOI, Monday, April 11.

However, the Commission in charge of the creative economy also reminded that there are a number of businesses that are just like that. So it needs to be anticipated by the initiators and the entertainment industry itself.

"There are experiences of some friends in bitcoin, krypto and others. It causes losses for many people," he said.

"We hope that the Actio makers are also anticipating this and hopefully it can be one that can help the art business in Indonesia," he added.

The Gerindra politician hopes that the Actio token is also officially managed by the government, whether at OJK, BI or the Ministry of Investment and the like. Because this token must be protected by existing regulations in Indonesia. Be it the bill (UU), Pap, or Presidential Decree (Perpres).

"So that there is a guarantee of certainty for people who invest there," said Elnino.

In addition, the Gorontalo Legislator also hopes that in this Actio token there is also an implementation of the ideal implementation of the Indonesian economy, namely Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.

"This means that if we use Article 33 of the 1945 Law, this effort should be a joint effort, no longer a capital-oriented individual business. We hope that it will focus more on the Pancasila economy," he said.

In principle, Elnino added, his party supports this Actio token. But at the same time also remind to be careful.

"Don't let anything fake, not according to the rules, be closed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Don't let that happen, the rules that apply in this country must be protected," he said.

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