
JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi predicts that 80 million people will be doing homecoming for Eid this year. Of this number, it is estimated that there are nine million people who will use the air route.

This figure, said Budi, was obtained from the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

"According to the results of the Ministry of Transportation's survey later, the number of homecomers could be more than 80 million people, while by air there are nine million people," Budi said in a written statement quoted on Friday, April 8.

From this amount, Budi continued, it is predicted that Soekarno-Hatta Airport will become the central point of departure. Thus, a number of preparations must be made by Airnav, Angkasa Pura II, and all sectors at the airport.

"Of course Soetta Airport is the central point of other airports," he said.

The Minister of Transportation also highlighted the decline in the number of aircraft compared to the previous year. With this condition, there is compensation in which the aircraft's operating period will be longer than the airport's operating period.

"In fact, it has been conveyed by the Director-General of Angkasa Pura II, currently the duration is 24 hours, so the plane has more rotations," said Budi.

As for land travel, Budi said, it is estimated that there are 7.6 million people who will travel by train. This figure is a report from the Director-General of Railways of PT KAI Zulfikri.

With this condition, the Minister of Transportation requested that PT KAI carry out preparations for the Eid homecoming properly and carry out detailed control.

"One thing that is important for those who are running is those who have had two vaccines and boosters," he said.

In addition, Budi also asked PT KAI to provide a train service to transport bicycles for free.

"The Ministry of Transportation will also hold a free homecoming by motorbike, but people pay if they take the train. If the bus is provided with a truck, the motorbike is also free," said the Minister of Transportation.

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