
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) announced that the collective leave will fall from April 29 to May 6. Meanwhile, the national holiday for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri is set for the next 2-3 May.

"The government has set a national holiday for Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah on May 2-3 2022 and has also set a joint Eid al-Fitr to leave on 29, 4, 5, 6 May 2022", Jokowi said in a video statement posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Wednesday, April 6th.

Jokowi said further regulations regarding this joint leave would be issued by the relevant ministers through a Joint Decree (SKB). However, he hopes that this opportunity can be used by the community to stay in touch with family in their hometown.

Moreover, this is the first time the government has allowed people to return to their hometowns in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This joint leave can be used to stay in touch with parents, family, and friends at home", he said.

There is also an estimate of the number of home-comers who will return to their hometowns, Jokowi said, reaching 85 million people, of which 14 million are from Jabodetabek. Meanwhile, it is estimated that 47 percent of travelers will return home by private vehicles will reach 47 percent.

To welcome this, Jokowi then ensured that his staff would make preparations. So, the implementation of this year's homecoming can run smoothly.

"Of course, the government will work hard to provide maximum service so that travelers can travel safely and comfortably", he concluded.

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