TANGERANG - The prices of basic commodities in South Tangerang City have increased. However, the level of consumer purchasing power in Ciputat Market, South Tangerang remains high.
Risan, one of the traders at Ciputat Market, said that there were several items that experienced an increase, ranging from chilies to shallots.
Risan said, the price of cayenne pepper is sold for IDR 65 thousand per kilogram. The price of shallots also increased to IDR 37,000 per kilogram.
"Large red chilies, red cayenne peppers, and curly red chilies are still stable. For large red chilies of IDR 62,500 per kilogram, red chilies of IDR 52 thousand, and curly red chilies of IDR 54 thousand, there are still buyers," he said.
Danu, one of the traders, said that the price of raw marine fish in the Ciputat market experienced a fantastic increase, such as mackerel and Medan anchovies.
"Mackerel also increased by IDR 37 thousand, Teri Medan rose to IDR 137 thousand," he said.
Danu said that despite the increase, there were still many consumers who came to buy fish.
"Maybe because of the need, so many are buying," he said.
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