JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo made a number of special promises to the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (Apdesi) during the Apdesi national gathering at Istora Senayan.
In front of village heads, Jokowi promised five things. First, Jokowi promised to increase operational funds for villages by 3 percent of the total budget. This year, the state disbursed village funds of IDR 468 trillion.
"Mr. Surta (Chairman of Apdesi) asked 'Sir, If possible, 4 percent or 5 percent of the total budget. No, no, no. For the first, I give three percent. Later next year it can be 4 or 5 percent. Please note this," Jokowi said in the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Tuesday, March 29.
Second, Jokowi agreed with the village government's aspiration so that village funds allocated for direct cash assistance (BLT) for residents were given a maximum of 40 percent. Thus, the village head can use the existing budget for other urgent needs.
"Regarding the village BLT, the Chairman of Apdesi said that it should not be a minimum of 40 percent but a maximum of 40 percent. Yes, I agree," said Jokowi.
Third, Jokowi instructed his subordinates to simplify the procedure for making village accountability letters (SPJ) made by village heads. Jokowi admits that he agrees with Apdesi's complaint that the making of the SPJ is so complicated.
"The Minister of Home Affairs is trying to take care of this with the Ministry of Finance so that the SPJ is not complicated. Later, the village heads will not check roads, not check irrigation, not check posyandu, they are only concerned with SPJ. I saw SPJ dizzy too. I'm the only one who looks dizzy, let alone those who carry it out," explained Jokowi.
Fourth, Jokowi ordered the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian to replace the village government stamp with an image of the eagle as a symbol of the state.
"Regarding the stamp. Frankly, I also just found out, Mr. Surta was told. I was also surprised. Mr. Minister of Home Affairs, this is just an instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs, the stamp is to use an eagle. That is indeed the symbol of our country, really," he said.
Fifth, Jokowi promised that the government would distribute village head salaries from once every three months to once a month. This is an acknowledgment of Apdesi's request.
"Oh, the salary is once a month? Mr. Minister of Home Affairs, this is still one that has not been answered, (the salary is) every month, I have. Frankly, I don't know. How come the salary is given every three months? I don't understand. We try every month," said Jokowi, ending his speech and was greeted with applause from the village heads.
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