
CENTRAL LOMBOK - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government stated that five villages in Central Lombok Regency were proclaimed to be women-friendly and child-friendly villages.

The five villages are Rembitan Village, Truwai Village, Mas-Mas Village, Lantan Village and Aik Bukak Village.

"The village has become a model with regulations in the form of Village Regulations (Perdes) which regulate women's friendliness and care for children," said the Head of the Women's Empowerment Service, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB) NTB Province, Tri Wismaningsih Drajadiyah, quoted from her official statement, Tuesday, March 29.

The local government of Central Lombok is indeed incessantly launching programs that focus on empowering women and children.

Even women's empowerment and child protection have been carried out in a special Musrenbang as an effort to accelerate it as a child-friendly village, with the establishment of a children's forum as one of the supporting elements as a child-friendly district.

"The declaration of five villages in Central Lombok as a village that is friendly to women and children is a follow-up to the signing on March 7 before the Indonesian Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA). Including Central Lombok at that time, they also signed," she said.

Of the 10 regencies/cities in NTB, only four regions have declared women and child-friendly villages, such as East Lombok Regency, North Lombok Regency, Sumbawa, and Central Lombok Regency.

"We hope that in the future all regions can declare what we desire to provide the best and will become child-friendly districts," she said.

She said that the rules in the village are expected so that in the future the attention to women and children becomes a serious concern. Because there are already regulations that regulate how development in the village pays attention to the needs of children's rights to grow up to be better, and there are no problems that befall women and children.

“In village governance, we must continue to do efforts to integrate gender perspectives. So that in the future, the village will continue to launch various programs that pay attention to the condition of women and children who are vulnerable to being victims of violence," she said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Central Lombok, HM Nursiah said, currently Central Lombok is really paying attention, related to women and children protection programs. The reason is that the future of children, especially, must still be considered in the midst of increasingly rapid regional development.

"Looking at the conditions including empowerment and how to protect our children. Thank God with the declaration, we must have the courage to be a pilot in five villages and how we continue to do empowerment at the village level so that in the future things don't happen that we don't expect," he said.

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