
PASER - The Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A) Paser Regency, East Kalimantan asked the community to prioritize a family settlement when finding cases of children who are in conflict with the law.

"Not all cases of children (under the age of 18) go through legal channels but are resolved amicably," said Head of the Protection of Women and Children DP2KBP3A Paser Siti Marnita Sari in Tanah Grogot, Friday, March 25.

However, this applies to minor cases such as theft, fights, minor accidents that can be resolved amicably through the Community-Based Integrated Child Protection (PATBM) team in the village.

"Unless the case is serious, you can still ask for assistance from the PATBM team or the police," he said.

He said the PATBM team consisted of community elements such as educators, health workers, and elements of the village community.

"This team can resolve legal issues involving children through dialogue and family channels, so that the case does not reach the realm of law," he said.

According to him, children are state assets, and their future needs to be protected and in their development period they need assistance and guidance from parents.

Parents and society, he said, need to know that children have the right to grow and develop, the right to be protected, and the right to participate.

He said that in Paser Regency, a new PATBM team was formed in 16 villages. Therefore, the Paser Regency Government encourages each village to have a PATBM team so that the handling of children's legal cases can be resolved properly.

Marmita also added, based on data on cases of violence against women and children in Paser Regency. In 2019 there were 25 cases of women and 35 cases of children experiencing violence. Then in 2020 there were 15 cases of women and 40 cases of children, and in 2021 there were 10 cases of women and 21 cases of children experiencing violence.

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