
JAKARTA - Detachment 88 Anti-terror arrested five perpetrators involved or affiliated with the ISIS radical group in Syria. In their action, this group distributes posters with propaganda material, inciting other parties to carry out 'jihad'.

"So for people who say they are interested, it can trigger criminal acts of terror or carry out jihad. This jihad is in quotes, triggers to carry out acts of a terror nature, secondly, it will cause fear," explained Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan on Thursday. journalists at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday, March 24.

This propaganda poster is spread through sharing social media platforms such as on Instagram or Telegram. Regarding the propaganda material used in the posters, Ramadhan continued, it is similar to the one in Syria. But translated in Indonesian and English.

This one-star general added that this group is diligent in establishing communication with ISIS in Syria. However, the police are still investigating whether the perpetrators of terror acts in Indonesia received financial assistance from ISIS.

"What is clear is that he is a sympathizer and supporter, yes. Of course, there is intense communication between them and the ISIS group. They communicate directly (with ISIS, ed)," Ramadhan said.

Detachment 88 Anti-terror previously arrested five suspected terrorists suspected of being affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They are said to often spread propaganda content of the terrorist group.

The terrorists had the initials MR, HP, MI, RBS, and DK who were members of the Annajiyah Media Cebter. They were arrested in different locations from March 9 to 15.

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