
JAKARTA - Immanuel Ebenezer alias Noel has been removed from his position as Independent Commissioner of PT Mega Eltra, a subsidiary of the state-owned company PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). The Indonesian Millennial Movers (PMI) supports Erick Thohir's firm step.

"The Minister of SOE is certainly trying to prevent radicalism. Noel was removed because he was an expert witness in the trial of the criminal case of radicalism at the East Jakarta District Court, which eased the defendant Munarman, last month", said PMI Coordinator, M Adhiya Muzakki in a written statement, Thursday. March 24.

According to Adhiya, Noel's removal as commissioner of a subsidiary of an SOE was not carried out by the Ministry of SOEs directly, but by the parent company concerned, namely PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero).

Adhiya also stated that based on the laws and regulations, a state official is prohibited from being a sympathizer or member, providing direct or indirect support that leads to acts of terrorism. "Noel violated this", he said, as reported by Antara.

This statement refers to Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning SOE and Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of SOE Number 15/MBU/XI/2021.

In the Circular Letter, it is expressly stated, a state official is prohibited from being a sympathizer or member, providing direct or indirect support that leads to acts of terrorism.

It is also emphasized in point 2 that every SOE is obliged to prevent and take action on the potential for the development of radicalism.

Adhiya added, PMI will continue to oversee SOE Minister Erick Thohir in efforts to prevent acts of terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia.

Previously it was reported that Noel's dismissal was carried out on Wednesday, March 23, but the decision was officially announced after the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), on Thursday, March 24.

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