
KUPANG - The government of East Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) said that there are still 2.766 children with stunted in the area from the previous 23.877.

"The case of stunting in East Manggarai Regency has experienced a sharp decline until now, only 11.6 percent remain. The decline in stunting sufferers is a result of the many interventions carried out by the government in overcoming stunting through various programs," said an official from the Bapedalitbangda of East Manggarai Regency, Sandri Apul when contacted from Kupang, Antara, Wednesday, March 23.

According to him, according to data obtained from the Health Office of East Manggarai Regency on March 16, 2022, the number of children who are still experiencing stunting in the area is 2.766 people according to the results of weight weighing carried out in February 2022.

The government of East Manggarai Regency is trying to reduce stunting cases to eight percent of the 2.766 children with stunting. The steps include the intervention of providing additional food to children who are stunted during health check-ups at the Integrated Healthcare Center (posyandu).

In addition, he said, he also gave blood-added vitamins for pregnant women as an effort to prevent cases of stunting in children.

According to Sandri Apul, the support of the village head in East Manggarai Regency in overcoming the problem of stunting in children is very active by mobilizing village mothers to overcome stunting by providing additional food for every child who suffers from stunting in the local village.

"There is one village in Lamba Leda sub-district which is free from the problem of stunting because the community is very active in helping the needs of nutritious food for children who are stunted," said Sandri Apul.

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