
JAKARTA - Labor observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Tadjuddin Noer Effendi said supervision of the implementation of the obligation to employ disabled workers as stipulated in the law needs to be carried out to encourage the absorption of workers with special needs. Tadjuddin said the obligation to employ persons with disabilities is good for The government, BUMN, BUMD and the private sector have been stated in Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities. "For its implementation, supervision is needed so that companies can actually implement the law," he said. Article 53 in Law Number 8 of 2016 has stated that the government, regional government, BUMD and BUMN are required to employ at least two percent of disabled workers from the total number of workers. Meanwhile, private companies are required to employ at least one percent of people with disabilities from the total number of employees. n, he highlighted that in its implementation there has not been maximum supervision for the implementation of the article in the world of work. This causes the private sector sometimes not to implement what is in the law. Such supervision should also be accompanied by sanctions to ensure the implementation of the regulation.

He said that there are still companies that think they are not able to hire workers with disabilities because they have to meet certain requirements. In response to this, he encouraged the government to provide guidance to these companies. "When companies say they cannot, they must be given some kind of guidance on what to do with these companies," he said. (EWG) The G20 raised the issue of an inclusive labor market and decent work for persons with disabilities as one of the priority issues. In the first meeting of the EWG G20 on 8-10 March 2022, the formulation of an instrument to monitor the development of inclusiveness for the disabled workforce was discussed to be applied to the G20 community.

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