JAKARTA - The lack of relationship between PDIP General Chair Megawati Sukarnoputri and NasDem Party Chairman Surya Paloh has caught the public's attention. Before long, the relationship between the two seemed to be getting better again.
In the inauguration of Puan Maharani as the Chairman of the DPR some time ago, a video circulated when Mega and Paloh met. At that time, Mega and Paloh did not appear to be shaking hands while walking in the VIP area of the Nusantara Building.
The attitude of the two is a question. Because, on that occasion, Mega greeted everyone she passed, except for Paloh. However, new questions arose when Mega and Puan attended the NasDem congress some time ago.
We ask for the views of Ujang Komarudin, a political observer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia. According to him, the presence of Mega and Puan at the NasDem congress cannot be concluded that their relationship has improved.
It is nothing. According to Ujang, currently, political party elites are playing two-faced politics. It was unclear what their attitude towards each other was. What is clear is that, in essence, NasDem currently has quite high bargaining power.
In the 2019 Election, NasDem managed to climb to fourth place. They even got rid of the Democrat Party to position seven. This position raised the NasDem ego as a political party. On the other hand, PDIP needs to carefully read the situation.
"It doesn't mean that the meeting yesterday, the presence of Mrs. Mega at the NasDem congress, will solve all the problems ... In fact, I think this is the beginning of a new round of competition between parties," said Ujang when contacted by VOI in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 13.
"This is what other parties, including PDIP, are actually afraid of. This is a two-faced politics that is being displayed by the elite. In front of the public they hug, while in the back, they can stab each other," he said.

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Meanwhile, Puan Maharani joined in the conversation. Puan makes sure the relationship between her mother and Paloh is fine. In fact, according to Puan, there has never been a gap between the two.
"There has never been a gap. Whereas politics exists, it's just ordinary. And everyone is close," said Puan at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 12.
Just try to see the intimacy between Mega and Paloh in celebrating NasDem's 8th anniversary. Puan said it was Paloh himself who greeted Mega at the entrance. "We take the elevator together. Everything is normal and it shows that yes we still get along," Puan.
The chairman of the DPR considered that the political friendship that the NasDem had with other parties was normal. For Puan, political parties do need to make a move so that the political situation is not level.
"That we make a surprise, yes, political parties must be like that. Otherwise, it's cool, calm, flat, it's not exciting," he said.
Puan also ensured that the relationship between the government coalition parties was still solid. This can be seen from the embrace of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) with Surya Paloh and the warm situation with his fellow political parties. "Still solid. Still get along, still want to be together.".
Likewise, Secretary of the NasDem Party Faction, Saan Mustofa, said there was no problem in the relationship between Paloh and Mega or Jokowi.
Regarding Jokowi's allusion to Paloh during a speech at the 55th anniversary of the Golkar Party, Saan called it a friendly joke. If you remember, in that speech Jokowi insinuated Paloh's meeting with PKS General Chairman Sohibul Iman.
"Then, regarding Surya Paloh's tenuous opinion with Megawati, which has been developing so far, it has been proven to be refuted by the presence of Megawati and Puan Maharani coming to the NasDem Party's anniversary," said Saan.
Like Puan. Saan also explained speculation that the future of the coalition of political parties supporting Jokowi-Ma'ruf would remain solid.
Paloh himself casually responded to the viral video between himself and Megawati. "Hahaha, my response is, I just laugh," said Paloh, when met at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 2.
He also emphasized that his friendship with Megawati had been going well. Surya does not feel that he has personal problems with Megawati. "Oh, my relationship with Mrs. Mega, if from me I must be fine, that's fine. Ms. Mega has been 40 years (with) I am friends," he said.
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