
GORONTALO - The BPJS SATU (Ready to Help) program from BPJS Health improves services for JKN-KIS participants by making direct visits to hospitals in Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province.

BPJS SATU Gorontalo Branch Office officer Maya Rivai said BPJS Health continues to improve participant satisfaction by providing information and becoming a complaint channel.

"BPJS SATU will visit and conduct customer visits to JKN-KIS participants, both inpatients, and outpatients," she said in Gorontalo, Sunday, March 13.

She explained that BPJS SATU officers are also easy to identify because they are equipped with orange vests as BPJS SATU identities.

"We use orange vests that read BPJS SATU, this is to make it easier for participants who are in the hospital to ask for information or make complaints," Maya said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, one of the JKN-KIS participants, Sukarti, gave a positive response to the presence of the BPJS SATU Program and felt helped by the visit from the officers.

Sukarti, who is registered as a JKN-KIS participant, the Regional Budget Assistance Recipient (PBI) admitted that she received information directly from BPJS Health officials who visited her.

She received an explanation regarding the drug information available at the pharmacy, as well as how to return the fee if the drug at the pharmacy was empty.

"I am very happy with this direct visit, I was told that the medicine I bought outside the cost would be returned at the pharmacy by showing the receipt," she said.

She appreciated and thanked them for the visit she got from the BPJS SATU officer.

"Very good, because there are BPJS officers who immediately come to explain, so at this time my family does not need to go to the BPJS office to get information," she concluded.

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