
MATARAM - Indonesian National Army (TNI) and National Police rank in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) are increasing the supervision of personnel ahead of the MotoGP racing event which will take place at the Mandalika Circuit, March 18-20 2022.

"The purpose of supervision is to prevent violations of order and discipline by TNI and National Police personnel ahead of the MotoGP event", said Head of the Professional and Security Division (Propam) of the NTB Police, Commissioner Awan Hariono, in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Friday, March 11.

With this monitoring effort, Awan hopes that it will have an impact on increasing the discipline capability of personnel, both TNI, and National Police ahead of the 2022 MotoGP event.

He conveyed this by the mandate of the Head of the Propam Division of the Police Headquarters. One of them is by ordering the Propam Division of the NTB Police to routinely carry out operations to enforce order and discipline personnel, especially in entertainment venues.

"Based on the order of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Headquarters, it is not allowed for members of the Police to be in entertainment venues without a clear reason and an assignment order", he said.

Following up on this, the Propam Division of the NTB Police together with the TNI of Military Police Detachment carried out operations to enforce order and discipline personnel by visiting night entertainment venues.

In an activity that took place on Thursday, March 10 evening, the TNI-National Police checked several entertainment venues in Mataram City, including, The Plaza Karaoke & Lounge Lombok, The Kingsman Resto & Lounge, The One Karaoke, and several other karaoke places in Mataram City.

In this activity, officers check the identity of the visitors. At that moment, the officers gave an appeal to continue to comply with the health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

In addition, the officers disseminated the NTB Police Chief's Declaration which contained joint efforts to create security conduciveness for the successful implementation of the Pertamina Grand Prix Of Indonesia 2022 as well as other international activities in NTB.

"However, since the night of Thursday, March 10, our officers together with the TNI have not found any members committing violations by being in entertainment venues", he said.

Awan hopes that this monitoring activity will receive support from the community. If he finds any TNI-National Police personnel who are indicated to have violated or committed a crime, he hopes that they will report it immediately.

"The public can report violations committed by our members, either directly or through the online complaint 'website' of the NTB Regional Police of Profession and Security", said Awan.

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