
MEDAN - The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has sealed the assets of Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz which are suspected to be the proceeds of crime from the Binomo case. The Police sealed 2 housing units suspected of belonging to the Cemara Asri Complex, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

A neighbor of Indra Kenz who is on Seroja Street admitted that he did not really know Indra Kenz. He said that Indra Kenz did not stay in the area for too long.

"When he comes, he's buzzing his exhaust, using a (Sport) car, a Mustang", he said, refusing to give his name to reporters, Wednesday, March 9.

He claimed to have lived in the Cemara Asri complex since 1997. During his stay in the complex, according to him, Indra Kenz only came a few times.

"The style is great", he continued.

Regarding the case that ensnared Indra Kenz, the man laughed. As he passed, he admitted that he thought Indra Kenz was really rich because of his work.

"I think rich people are real, apparently fraudsters. Good like you (journalists)", he said.

The Police have named two Crazy Rich suspects in a suspected case of fraud under the guise of binary options. The two suspects are Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan.

Both are affiliates on different platforms. Indra Kenz at Binomo and Doni Salmanan at Quotex.

In both cases, they have a similar role. They persuade people to participate on the platform where they take shelter.

For example, Indra Kenz. He creates video content and uploads it to social media. The content says Binomo is a legal trading platform in Indonesia.

"IK spreads false information about Binomo which is already legal", said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police of Criminal Investigation Agency, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, to VOI on Wednesday, March 9.

After that, Indra Kenz also invited the public to become members at Binomo. In fact, promised huge profits of up to 85 percent.

"Promising a profit of 80 to 85 percent of the value of open trade funds determined by each trader or victim", said Whisnu.

In fact, the promise was just a figment. Because many members actually lose.

In fact, based on the results of the examination, Indra Kenz got a share of the defeat of his members. The number reaches 80 percent.

"About 70 to 80 percent (profit sharing with Binomo, ed)", said Whisnu.

Recently, investigators have also recorded the number of losses due to Indra Kenz's actions. Of the 14 people who became victims, at least suffered a loss of IDR 25 billion.

"While the update that we received from investigators was the total loss of 14 victims, who had been questioned for as much as IDR 25,620,605,124", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Commissioner Gatot Repli Handoko, to reporters, Wednesday, March 9.

From the nominal loss, said Gatot, investigators have also confiscated assets belonging to Indra Kenz which are suspected to be the proceeds of crime. One of them is a Tesla car.

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