
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas intends to invite the leader of the Catholic community, Pope Francis to Indonesia. Minister of Religion Yaqut wants to invite Pope Francis to see the beauty of the diversity of Indonesian society.

This was conveyed by Minister of Religion Yaqut when giving a speech at the National Meeting of the Commission on Interreligious Relations and Beliefs of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) in Nusa Dua, Denpasar, Bali, Monday, March 7.

"I want to bring Pope Francis to Indonesia to see firsthand the beauty of diversity in Indonesia, as well as greet Indonesian Catholics directly," he said as quoted from the website, Tuesday, March 8.

"Hopefully after normal conditions, he can come to Indonesia. I ask the Acting Director General of Catholicism to explore a plan to invite him," continued the Minister of Religion in front of the leaders of representatives of Catholics throughout Indonesia.

Present at the meeting of the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Palembang as well as the Chairman of the Relationship between Religion/Belief (HAK KWI) Commission, Mgr. Dr. Yohanes Harun Yuwono, Executive Secretary of the KWI HAK Commission RD. Augustine Harry. Also accompanying the Minister of Religion, Stafsus Wibowo Prasetyo and Abdul Qodir, as well as representatives of the Center for Religious Harmony (PKUB) Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Minister of Religion then told about his meeting with the leader of the Catholic Church and the Vatican's Head of State Pope Francis in 2019. The Minister of Religion appreciated Pope Francis' openness in accepting differences.

"I told him about the beauty of tolerance in Indonesia and he (Pope Francis) admitted that he really loves Indonesia," said the Minister of Religion.

The National Meeting of the Commission on Interreligious and Trust Relations of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference carried the theme Strengthening Religious Moderation to Support Peaceful and Inclusive Communities for Sustainable Development. The Minister of Religion appreciated this national meeting which also discussed the concept of religious moderation from the perspective of Catholics.

"Activities like this are really needed because apart from discussing strengthening religious moderation, they will also formulate strategic, systematic, and simultaneous steps to maintain brotherhood and harmony," he explained.

"I hope this activity can contribute and contribute to strengthening religious moderation, for the realization of a harmonious, harmonious, peaceful and inclusive society towards a developed and prosperous Indonesia," he said.

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