
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has asked people in the southern coastal areas of Central Java to be aware of the potential for strong winds in the next few days.

"Even in the Cilacap city area, strong winds have been occurring since the morning. It was observed that it reached 20 knots", said Teguh Wardoyo, Head of the BMKG Technician Group at the Cilacap Meteorological Station, Teguh Wardoyo, in Cilacap, Wednesday, March 2.

According to him, the increase in wind speed is the impact of the emergence of cyclone 908 seeds in the Indian Ocean southwest of Sumatra and cyclone 95S seeds in the Indian Ocean south of East Java.

He said BMKG will continue to observe the development of the two cyclones, whether they will strengthen into a cyclone or will weaken until they finally disappear.

"Seeds like this usually cause stronger winds than after becoming a cyclone, because after they are ready they usually move away from Indonesian territory. We will continue to observe the development of the two cyclones", he emphasized.

In addition, he continued, the cyclone seeds also had an impact on increasing wave height in the southern seas of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Asked about the weather forecast in March 2022 in the southern part of Central Java and the central mountains of Central Java, Teguh said that the accumulation of rainfall in several areas is predicted to begin to decline although some are still in the high category.

"The area around the central mountains is still in the high to very high category. Cilacap and Banyumas are already medium to high, especially in the western part of Cilacap. Likewise, Banjarnegara, Kebumen, and Purworejo are still high", he said.

Although the amount of accumulated rainfall is predicted to begin to decline, he said the nature of the rain in the area is in the normal category, except in Purbalingga and eastern Banyumas, which is in the above-normal category.

In this regard, he predicts that several areas in southern Central Java and the central mountains of Central Java will enter the beginning of the transition period from the rainy season to the dry season in April 2022.

"July is predicted to enter the dry season", said Teguh.

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