SIMPANG FOUR - The joint SAR team again evacuated one of the residents of Malampah, Tigo Nagari, Pasaman, West Sumatra who was reported missing but only managed to be evacuated on Wednesday because it was buried by an avalanche with a depth of about three meters.
"The point of the victim's whereabouts has actually been known since yesterday afternoon, but only managed to be evacuated because it was buried with a depth of about three meters. Earlier at around 10:00 pm we together with the joint SAR team evacuated the victims of the male landslide", said Head of Operational Section of National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Padang, Octavianto, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 2nd.
From the results of the identification and post-mortem, it was finally known that the victim who was evacuated was Suar (56), a resident of Guguang Siparayo, Malampah, Pasaman.
The landslide disaster in the local area occurred shortly after the earthquake centered in West Pasaman on Friday, February 25 with a magnitude of 6.1.
Octavianto said the victim was found at the coordinates of approximately 300 meters from the point where the victim was found earlier on Saturday, February 26.
The joint SAR team consisted of the Padang National Search and Rescue Agency, TNI (Indonesian Army), National Police, volunteers, and disaster personnel, as well as local community members.
With the discovery of this one victim, currently, four residents have been reported missing due to being buried by landslides since Friday, February 25.
So far, seven people have been recorded as victims of the earthquake and landslide in Pasaman Regency after the earthquake.
Four of them are women, namely Fitri (4) Susi Susanti (26), Nian (74), and Nuraya (75), while the male victim is Amaik (17), and two victims of the landslide, namely Rodi (32), and Beacon (56).
While for West Pasaman Regency the number of victims to date is known as many as six people, with details of four people hit, and two people after the earthquake. One volunteer also died while descending on West Pasaman.
Until now thousands of residents still survive in the main refugee post in the courtyard of the West Pasaman Regent's Office.
Earthquake victims in West Pasaman still need tents, pregnant women's milk, child milk, mattresses, blankets, rice, and other foodstuffs.
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