
JAKARTA - YS (35) became a victim of abuse carried out by former members of the National Police in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta. The victim had suffered bruising on the right upper lip, cheek, and under the eye.

The man, a resident of Kapuk, Cengkareng, said that he did not know what the problem was that made the perpetrators have the heart to persecute him. The perpetrator is a neighbor of the victim.

"The former policeman called me, beat me. The reason is not known, suddenly I was beaten," he told reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

According to YS, the beatings allegedly occurred on May 10, 2021, ago. After being beaten, he reported the incident to the Cengkareng Police. He was also directed to do a visa.

"So when it happened, I ran to the police station, and was directed to the hospital for a post-mortem," said YS.

He said, as a result of the abuse, at that time he suffered a number of injuries in the facial area.

"The wound on the right upper lip, the same under the eye, cheek. Bruises too," he said.

In addition to getting hit, YS said he also received threats from the former police officer.

"There was a threat that my car was going to be burned," he said.

Although he has reported the incident since May 2021, YS admitted that he has not yet received clarity on his report.

"It happened a long time ago, but until yesterday I went to the Polsek there was no response. He said there were summons, but from the beginning of the report until now, there has been no notification at all," he said.

Feeling that the report was unclear, YS reported it to the West Jakarta Police Propam.

"I had reported to the West Jakarta Police Propam, there has been no response either," he said.

Contacted separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Rahmat, said that his party had processed the report.

"It's been handled and in the filing. It's running and still in the process," he said.

Commissioner Adjutant of Police Rahmat said the process would continue.

"Handling of cases has no priority, and proceeds according to procedures," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the background of the reported party, who is said to be a former member of the police, Rahmat said that he is still investigating. "Reported is now a civil society, yes. Regarding the dismissal of the police, we must investigate, the point is civil society," he said.

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