
JAKARTA – The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) recommends that related parties confiscate assets belonging to the convicted rape case Herry Wirawan to pay restitution to the victims. Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23. He explained that the mechanism could be carried out by disbanding the educational foundation belonging to the convict Herry and then confiscated and sold it to pay the entire compensation for the victim. The confiscation of the assets of the criminal perpetrator must be carried out from the start so that it can be immediately paid to the victim or the victim's family, Herry Wirawan was sentenced to life in prison by the Bandung District Court (PN) for raping 13 female students. The Bandung District Court of Justice also ordered the state, through the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA), to pay restitution for the convicted victim Herry. sebes ar Rp331 million. Not only that, the care for the children of Herry's victims was handed over to the West Java Provincial Government, in this case the Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPT PPA) of West Java Province. The care for the children of the victim Herry must also be evaluated periodically. Regarding this decision, LPSK considers the judge's verdict to be inappropriate. In addition to the case of imposing restitution to KPPPA, compensation by the state is only possible in the context of legal compensation. "So far, compensation only applies to victims of gross human rights violations and victims of criminal acts of terrorism," he said. In general, the protection program provided LPSK, namely the fulfillment of procedural rights including assistance in legal processes, medical and psychological rehabilitation and restitution.

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