
JAKARTA - Member of Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IV, Andi Akmal Pasluddin, warned that natural damage caused by human activities leads to natural disasters, which are very dangerous for the lives of living things, including humans themselves. One of which is related to mining exploitation activities.

He also asked mining exploitation not to interfere with agricultural production, let alone to disturb residents who depend on the agricultural sector for their livelihoods.

Akmal said this was related to the incident in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo, Central Java, which involved the potential threat of land damage for agriculture due to mining.

"I agree with the views of several environmental watchdogs, where the plan to exploit the hill land of Wadas Village if implemented, will seriously disrupt agricultural production", he said, quoted by Antara on Sunday, February 13.

Moreover, he continued, Wadas is a village with land that is blessed with fertility and is very productive in producing agricultural and plantation products.

"With this very fertile land, the people of Wadas Village work as farmers and depend for their survival on land and nature", said Akmal.

Previously, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, together with the National Human Rights Commission scheduled three things to resolve the polemic related to the plan to build the Bener Dam in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency.

"The three agendas are technical evaluation, approaches to prevent violence, and restoration of the condition of residents so that they can return to harmony", said Ganjar after meeting with National Human Rights Commission member, Beka Ulung Hapsara, at the Central Java Governor's official residence in Semarang, Friday, February 11.

Ganjar explained that the technical evaluation carried out was related to environmental and mining issues, which involved the River Basin Center (BBWS) and the National Land Agency (BPN) as the institutions working on it.

"God willing, we will enter, I am happy that there was information that KPAI wanted to be invited to enter, it was good, later the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection will also ask to enter", he said.

For this reason, Ganjar will return to visit Wadas Village shortly to establish communication with residents. "We will also try to chat with residents so that they are really comfortable to communicate", he said.

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