
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) of the National Police has decided to withdraw the handling of the alleged defamation case reported by Crazy Rich Medan, Indra Kenz at Metro Jaya Police. Thus, the handling will be combined with cases of alleged fraud under the guise of Binomo binary options trading.

"We will unite them at the Criminal Investigation Unit," said Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit Commissioner-General (Komjen) Agus Andrianto to VOI, Friday, February 11.

Withdrawal of the case aims to simplify the handling process. Where, in the case of alleged fraud under the guise of Binomo binary options trading, Indra Kenz is the reported party.

"Withdrawing the handling to the Criminal Investigation Unit until it can be proven that the complainant was indeed a victim of Indra Kenz's fraudulent investment," said Komjen Agus.

Separately, the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the Bareskrim Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan stated that the withdrawal of the case from the Metro Jaya Police was waiting for the results of the investigation in the alleged fraud case under the guise of Binomo binary options trading.

"Waiting for the results of the Bareskrim investigation," said Whisnu.

Meanwhile, eight people reported the Binomo trading application to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. They suffered losses of hundreds of millions each. If the total loss reached IDR 2.4 billion.

Not only that, the Binomo application was reported. This is because a number of affiliates, as well as influencers who helped promote the trading platform, were also reported. Reporting registered with number STTL/29/II/2022/BARESKRIM

In that report, the Binomo trading application was suspected of violating Article 27 paragraph 2 of the Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE) regarding online gambling, Article 28 paragraph 1 of the ITE Law regarding fake news that harms consumers, and Article 378 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 regarding fraud.

Then, Article 3, Article 5, and Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

In response to this, Indra Kenz, who is an affiliate of Binomo, also made a police report. He reported Maru Nazara on suspicion of defamation to the Polda Metro Jaya. The report is registered with the number LP/B/660/II/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya.

Maru Nazara is one of eight people who reported Indra Kenz to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. In the report, Maru Nazara as the reported party was suspected of violating Article 27 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and or Article 310 of the Criminal Code and Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

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