
JAKARTA - The name of the Bener Dam has become a national issue. All are related to police security for 66 residents of Wadas Village - although now all have been returned to their respective homes.

What you need to know is that the Central Java Regional Police ensure that none of the residents of Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency are suspects. The police have now even carried out an investigation by circulating fake news containing provocative uploads about the Wadas incident on social media.

The Central Java Police denied the issue of residents of Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency, who were forced by the authorities to sign an agreement for andesite mining as material for the construction of the Bener Dam. The Central Java Regional Police stated that currently the process being carried out is the land measurement, not asking residents for approval for the Bener Dam project.

The Benefit of the Dam is True

If the construction is completed, the Bener Dam will provide many benefits to the community. Summarized from the Serayu Opak River Basin Center, the Bener Dam can supply water for irrigated rice fields for 13.589 Ha of the existing irrigation area and 1.110 Ha of the new irrigation area.

Then, the source of the fulfillment of raw water for the community is around 1.500 liters/second. Bener Dam is also useful for generating electricity for Purworejo Regency of about 6 Mega Watts, reducing flood potential for Purworejo Regency and Kulonprogo Regency with a flood reduction value of 8.73 million m3, as well as tourism development potential that can improve the local economy.

This explanation was conveyed by the Head of the Serayu River Basin Center (BBWS) Opak Dwi Purwantoro last year.

Regarding the quarrying material in Wadas Village, Dwi Purwantoro explained that the concept of using Wadas is very much in favor of the interests of the local community.

“Wadas will be excavating the stone material for the construction of the Bener Dam by going through the land acquisition process first. Then, the community gets compensation money with a value that exceeds the market price. This activity also brings new livelihood opportunities during the quarry material collection," he said.

Dwi Purwantoro explained that the excavation process was carried out by only taking what was needed, around 8.5 million m3 in a period of 3 to 4 years. After that, reclamation will be carried out (backfilling of land).

"So, the news circulating that the materials in Wadas will be used up and cause permanent environmental damage is not true," he said.

"The news about the impact of mining that people will lose their jobs, leave large holes, and cause environmental damage can be ascertained that this is not true," said Head of Serayu Opak River Region Great Hall (BBWS).

Meanwhile, Head of Implementation of Water Source Network (PJSA) Division, Yosiandi Radi Wicaksono, added that the community will greatly benefit from quarry mining. This is because they will receive compensation for land above the market price, with a minimum compensation value of IDR 120.000/m2 which is widely agreed by the affected communities.

The community also benefits because they can participate in the work when collecting materials. Furthermore, after material collection, the soil (humus) will be returned and handed over to the community. In addition, the construction of the Bener Dam will also create tourism potential that is beneficial to the community.

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