
NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police is handling a case of promiscuity between a pair of teenagers in Mataram City. The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Head of Sub-Division of Youth, Children, and Women of the NTB Regional Police, AKBP

Ni Made Pujawati said this case was handled after the woman's family came to report.

"Following up on her report, we carried out a series of investigations until from the results of the case, we determined the role of the man as a suspect", said Pujawati in Mataram as reported by Antara on Wednesday, February 8.

The suspect, in this case, has the initials L, who is 13 years old. He is subject to Article 81 Paragraph 1 and/or Paragraph 2 Jo Article 76D and/or Article 82 Paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 76E of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17/2016 concerning the stipulation of government regulation in lieu of Law Number 1/2016 concerning amendments to the two laws of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23/2002 on Child Protection.

"But because he is still in the category of a child, the handling of this case is carried out specifically by prioritizing the Child Criminal Justice System (SPPA)", she said.

From this case, Pujawati said that suspect L previously refused to take responsibility for his actions to the woman. Even L dodged the child born to this woman the fruit of his actions.

However, Pujawati revealed that there is evidence that supports the actions of suspect L, namely based on the results of the DNA test of the child born in the November 2021 period.

"We did the test at the forensic laboratory last January, the result was that the suspect's DNA was identical to the child's", she said.

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