
JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, asked the government to open the widest possible input space to the public regarding the plan to move the State Capital (IKN) from Jakarta to North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), East Kalimantan.

"We also ask the government to open up the widest possible space for the public to provide inputs to the government, so that when the time comes to move, it will be arranged in such a way and has accommodated public interests," Dasco said after the DPR Plenary Session, at the Parliament complex, Jakarta, Tuesday 8 February.

Dasco said this was responding to a petition against the transfer of IKN. "Yes, in my opinion, whatever it is, it's an opinion to express an opinion and freedom is guaranteed by the constitution," he said.

Therefore, he continued, freedom is guaranteed either directly or through the website and that could be a benchmark for how many people have asked that the relocation of the capital city be suspended.

Regarding the lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the transfer of the IKN, said Dasco, if you don't agree with the government's plan, you can file a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court.

"It's a rule to sue to the Constitutional Court, if you don't agree, then sue, because that's where there is a place, right. Instead of not making a lawsuit but doing other things that are not guaranteed by our constitution," he said.

Previously, Dasco denied that the discussion on the Draft Law on the National Capital City (RUU IKN) was carried out in a hurry.

He assessed that the discussion of the IKN Bill at the Special Committee (Pansus) was carried out efficiently so that it ran quickly and smoothly.

"Actually, the discussion of the IKN Bill is not too hasty, but it is carried out efficiently, later the TPKS Bill will be like that. (The Special Committee for the Draft Bill) will continue to work during the recess," said Dasco at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday 18 January.

He considered that the discussion of the IKN Bill was carried out very dynamically and sometimes it was discussed back and forth from one article to another because there was still debate to find common ground.

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