
DENPASAR - This short video shows the tornado phenomenon in Tabanan, Bali.

The tornado video was uploaded by the @budiastawa203 account on the Instagram account. There is a tornado phenomenon in the rice fields in the Tabanan Regency, Bali.

"The tornado phenomenon was seen in Luwus Village, Baturiti, Tabanan", he wrote.

Coordinator for Data and Information at the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Center (BBKMG) Region III Denpasar, Bali, I Nyoman Gede Wiryajaya said that tornadoes were formed by cumulonimbus clouds.

"If such a vortex occurs on land, it is called a tornado, and if it occurs in seawater or a lake, it is called a water spout and is caused by CB (Cumulonimbus) clouds", said Wiryajaya, Monday, February 7.

In the afternoon until the afternoon, it is said to be raining with strong winds in central Bali or Tabanan Regency. It was also reported that there were fallen trees and many broken tree branches on Raya Beringkit Street, Kapal, Badung Regency, as well as flooding at the Sibanggede and Darmasaba border bridges in Badung Regency, Bali.

Based on BMKG analysis, the value of air humidity and the surface layer of up to 700 Mb indicates a fairly high value, ranging from 70 to 90 percent.

"These factors support the process of forming convective clouds so that there is moderate and heavy rain. Based on the analysis of radar images, there are convective clouds accompanied by light to heavy rain reaching 48 dB in the area from 13.50 hours (to 15.50 WITA and based on satellite imagery) cloud type Himawari there is a CB cloud at 15.00 WITA on the South Coast of Tabanan", said Wiryajaya.

The public is advised to be aware of the impact of disasters that can be caused, such as floods, puddles, landslides, strong winds, fallen trees, and lightning.

"In addition, users and operators of sea transportation services, fishermen, marine tourism, and people who have activities around coastal areas are advised to be aware of the potential for sea waves with a height of 2.0 or more in the southern Bali Strait, Badung Strait, Lombok Strait, and the Pacific Ocean and South Indies Bali", said Wiryajaya.






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