
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that currently the daily cases of COVID-19 amid the spread of the Omicron variant were already higher than the peak of daily cases during the spread of the Delta variant.

On February 6, the daily new cases in Jakarta were 15.825 cases. This figure is higher than the peak of new cases in July 2021, which was 14.619 cases.

"So yesterday, the daily number of COVID-19 cases exceeded the peak of daily cases in July. This means that transmission is very fast," said Anies at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, February 7.

However, Anies asked his citizens not to panic. This is because, although the occupancy of beds at the COVID-19 referral hospital in Jakarta has reached 60 percent, the majority of patients have mild and asymptomatic symptoms.

Based on data from the DKI Provincial Government, only 12 percent of COVID-19 patients have severe and moderate symptoms. Meanwhile, 48 percent are mild symptoms and asymptomatic that do not need to be hospitalized.

Indeed the transmission is high but the severity is not high. Well, there's no need to panic. This means, if you are exposed to positive, then look at the symptoms," said Anies.

"If you need to go to a health facility, if the symptoms are mild or even without symptoms, then do self-isolation at home. If there is no place, then contact the task force in the neighborhood unit (RW) to get an integrated isolation place," he continued.

Therefore, when the community activity restrictions (PPKM) level assessment in Jakarta increased to Level 3, Anies asked the public to improve compliance with the application of health protocols.

"Masks should not be removed, avoid potential crowds, and reduce travel if it is not essential. If it is not essential then stay at home. If you can do it virtually, do it virtually. That's the point. Then we can see the numbers on vaccinations in Jakarta. Vaccination is relatively safe," Anies added.

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