
TULUNGAGUNG - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Tulungagung Regency, East Java, again found two clusters of COVID-19 transmission in two high schools (SMA). A total of four schools are currently exposed.

"This development will be our evaluation material. Including whether the limited face-to-face learning activities (PTMT) that are already running will be continued or returned to the online system (online)," said the Head of the Tulungagung District Health Office, dr. Kasil Rokhmat in Tulungagung, Antara, Sunday, February 6.

The two new educational clusters were found, namely SMAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung. At SMAN 1 Tulungagung, the health office's tracking team identified seven students who were positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, at MAN 2 Tulungagung, the transmission rate was even higher, namely 25 students from two different classes.

This finding was taken into consideration by the school and the East Java Education Office/Office of the Ministry of Religion which oversees the two educational institutions to temporarily close face-to-face classes, according to the recommendations of the COVID-19 Task Force.

"Each school will be given the opportunity for two weeks online to complete the tracing (tracking)," said dr. Kasil.

Previously, two schools had temporarily suspended PTMT activities. The two schools in question are SMAN 1 Boyolangu and SMAN 1 Kedungwaru.

Of the four schools, only SMAN 1 Boyolangu has completed its search. The results found 22 students were confirmed positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, at SMAN 1 Kedungwaru, the initial search found eight confirmed students.

"For SMAN 1 Kedungwaru tomorrow, last Monday, the search will continue. Likewise for SMAN 1 Tulungagung and MAN 2 Tulungagung," said Kasil.

It is planned that tomorrow STPPC will hold a coordination meeting to address the findings of these four clusters, discussing the continuation of limited face-to-face learning.

Because the status of Tulungagung is now at level 2 of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). "Because according to the provisions of the SKB 4 ministers, if at level 2, PTMT can no longer be 100 percent," he said.

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