
SURABAYA - Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Surabaya again implemented distance or online learning after 63 people consisting of 58 students and five teachers tested positive for COVID-19.

The head of MAN Surabaya, Fathorrakhman, explained that dozens of students and five teachers had been infected by a student's guardian who reported that their child was positive for COVID-19.

"The school also carried out a PCR swab test for one class, namely class 12 MIPA 6 on Friday (28/1). As a result, 15 students and two teachers were confirmed positive for COVID-19," he said as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 2.

Furthermore, the school conducted a PCR swab test for 363 grade 12 students, as well as 25 teachers and employees on Monday, January 31 until 46 people were found positive for COVID-19.

"I am coordinating with the COVID-19 Task Force and the public health center (puskesmas). As many as 11 positive students are undergoing isolation in the Hajj dormitory. The rest are self-isolating," he said.

Currently, said Fatur, the condition of students has improved. In fact, four students who were isolated in the Hajj Dormitory have returned, but are still required to undergo further treatment at home.

Students and teachers who choose to self-isolate at home are reported to have continued to improve.

"He thought it was just an ordinary fever. But after the PCR swab test was positive, we finally asked for immediate isolation," he said.

Meanwhile, for students in grades 10 and 11, the school has sent a letter to the parents if distance learning is implemented.

This learning model will be used until Monday, February 7, 2022, and it is possible to extend it to further developments.

"When PTM returns, we will create a blended learning model with a gradual system," he said.

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